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Here is a little update for you on future PE plans and upcoming events in school. We are getting very excited about our plans for the new academic year. Here is your first snippet.

PE Provision

As a school, we have invested in a PE curriculum called Get Set 4 PE. This has enabled teachers to take part in specialised training throughout the year to support their professional development and expertise. Through using this Curriculum, we are providing pupils with a challenging and inspiring skills based PE syllabus. The sessions are creative and exciting and have been very popular this year.


Daily 10

As a school, we have introduced the ‘Daily 10’ where every class spends an additional 10 minutes being active. This includes walking or running on our school field or spending 10 minutes doing yoga or wake and shake sessions on rainy days! Individuals and whole classes have really impressed me with their positive attitude and sportsmanship towards others. We have seen many pupils setting themselves challenges to hit 1 mile or more in their 10 minutes. This includes my own class who are just 5 and 6 years old, what superstars!


Healthy Living Week

We are all so excited for our upcoming ‘Healthy Living Week’ where all pupils will have the opportunity to experience new physical skills through a variety of exciting activities. Children will also be taking part in a variety of ‘Healthy Living’ based lessons throughout the week Below is an outline of what the children will be experiencing:

Monday 12th July- Crossfit with Ellie from T800 Crossfit

Tuesday 13th- Fundamental Skills Challenges

Wednesday 14th- Street Dance Workshop

Thursday 15th- Circus Skills

Friday 16th – Sports Day (no spectators unfortunately this year)

For Sports Day, we would like children to come to school in their appropriate PE kit with their relevant team colour T Shirt (Ruby/ Sapphire/ Emerald/ Topaz). Please ensure your child has a sun hat and a water bottle.


Enrichment Days

We shall be offering all pupils 12 fantastic enrichment days spread across the upcoming academic year. These will include 6 sport focused workshops such as Fencing and Tri Golf as well as Performing Arts workshops linked to dance, theatre and drama. This is the most we have had booked in for one!



A variety of clubs will be on offer throughout the upcoming academic year; we shall be offering pupils sports focused after school clubs from the Autumn term. These will be lead by teaching staff, coaches from local sports clubs and specialised coaches from Premier Sport. During the Autumn term Premier Sport coaches shall be offering:

Football Club – KS1 children – Tuesdays

Football Club- KS2 children -Thursdays

(Booking information will follow soon)



We have replenished and added to our every growing PE resources to support children within their lessons. We also have some exciting plans for some additional outside gym equipment too so watch this space!


As always, we aim to provide our pupils with a fun, interactive and creative PE experience whilst with us at St Peter and St Paul and look forward to the busy year ahead. Look out for your next newsetter in the Autumn term.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Hilton

PE Coordinator